Plan miasta Hamno

Hamno - Najnowsze wiadomości:

Rumänien: Hotel FM - Change | Pierre's Schlager Experience

Refrängen sätter sig lika envist som en ettrig spyfluga vilket jag ser som en föraning om att det här kommer att hamna betydligt högre upp i resultatlistan än jag skulle önska. En finalplats känns oundviklig, och kunde den danska ...
źródło: BlogSearch

(disclaimer: this is long. i'm sorry. read only if you love me ...

tomorrow morning, early, we're leaving to the mythical zanzibar for a much-anticipated vacation. nine of us are going for three nights and four days of stonetown history, the apparently famous zanzibar pizza, and beaches, beaches, ...
źródło: BlogSearch

the berries of life: au revoir CH~

exhausted! not a perfect word to sum up the whole vacation. seriously, I never thought family vacay could be this so much fun. maybe I'm older enough to enjoy it. plus I got to be with my precious Hamna. yeah, she's my precious little ...
źródło: BlogSearch
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